Nothing soothes one better than enjoying the comfort of one’s very own home, and everybody dreams of having his own perfect place “at the perfect time.” But what if that right timing suddenly hits you now? Are you ready to start fulfilling your dream home? Lumina Homes is here toContinue Reading

Malaysia-based singer-songwriter liesl-mae reflects on her struggles with mental health in her compelling new single “Raincloud.” Addressing the cyclical nature of depression and its damning effects, the inspiring young artist hopes to engage in a discussion to dismantle the social stigmas surrounding mental health. The song begins with a posedContinue Reading

Microsoft recently expanded capabilities in its Reading Progress tool to include Filipino. This is now available to the 27 million students and 950,000 teachers within the Department of Education’s (DepEd) nationwide system. Microsoft’s Reading Progress is a free application built into Microsoft Teams and is powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI)Continue Reading

The growing adoption of the Internet from electronic commerce to social media to distance learning has provided opportunities for growth and development even during the more recent bouts of lockdowns and stay-at-home measures. But those optimistic prospects have perennially come with risks of virus attacks and financial scams as wellContinue Reading

Over the last few years, the e-commerce industry has rapidly evolved into a vast ecosystem that enables mutual value creation, collaboration, and communication between consumers and sellers. Southeast Asia holds the highest e-commerce sales growth projection in the world and is expected to continue growing. In the Philippines, the DepartmentContinue Reading

There is an undeniable charm in mountain living that is unmatched in the lowlands. On a clear day, heralded by a spectacular sunrise, you look out over your spacious balcony and soak up the panoramic views of sweeping naturescapes under a cerulean sky. You step out and catch more viewsContinue Reading